
About Zach Diamond

I am a middle school music teacher based in the Washington, D.C. area, now a few months into my fifth year in the K-12 classroom, and still learning. I'm a teacher first, but I am (and always will be) a musician at heart. Before returning to the DC area in 2016, I taught music and English as a Second Language for five years in Lima, Peru. I also mentor teachers with The Modern Classrooms Project, and I cohost, edit, and produce the Modern Classrooms Podcast.

Learning to Teach was born out of my trial-by-fire first year teaching experience, for which no advice or tips had sufficiently prepared me, but also out of my own discontent with what felt like a broken status quo after I made it to my second and third years in the classroom. I have ideals and goals, but I'm still on a journey to improve, grow, and better serve my students. This is my adventure learning to teach.


I would love to hear from you! Reach out if you're so inclined, or if you're interested in coaching - I specialize in producing video lessons, LMS layout, and audio editing.

Email Me at

Zach is @zpdiamond on Twitter